Rocky Mountain Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Patricia Marie K

Clairvoyant Psychic Medium, Psychic Tarot, Spirit Animal Readings, Past Life Readings, Distance Clearing and Energy Healing, Psychic Development Sessions, Tea Leaves, and Palm Reader! Honest, Real, Authentic Psychic Medium, Canmore and Banff Psychic Readings

8 minutes

Here is Your Full Deck or Six Card Tarot Spread for the Week of January 15th to January 21st, 2023! Which Cards Will You Choose For Your Own Personal Tarot Card Reading?

© Patricia Marie K, 2022. * Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.

I have smudged, energetically cleansed, and drawn a whole Tarot deck for a spread in which you choose a card, or several cards, for a personal Tarot reading for yourself. If you are not subscribed to my Patreon Triweekly Tarot Spreads Tier or the Monthly 3 Card Tarot Spread Tier, you will only be able to see the reveal for the bottom row of cards for the spread this week, so you will have 6 cards to choose from instead of the Full Tarot Deck.

If you have come across this Tarot spread at a later time than the day or week that I published it, then it was meant for the time that you came across it. If you are not ready to do a reading for yourself right now, you can save this spread for a later time when you are ready. This spread is meant to be used only once as you will already know the card positions and be pre-influenced if you try to ask other questions and do another spread with the same card placements.

My Full Deck Tarot Spreads are like receiving your own personal, individual Tarot reading, as you are able to choose your cards from the whole Tarot deck (if you are a member of my Patreon TriWeekly Tarot Spreads Tier, otherwise you will only be able to see the last 6 cards). The Full Deck spread is something that you want to do for yourself when you can spend some time on it and make a ritual out of it, maybe even light some candles, some incense, sage, cedar, or sweetgrass, and really meditate and focus on the questions you have, or the situation that you want answers about, from the Universe, Creator, and your Higher Self.

My online Tarot Spreads are also a great way to practice and improve your own intuitive abilities! It is a great opportunity to practice grounding and energetically cleansing your field and your mind in preparation for receiving information from Spirit, the Universe, your Higher Self, and Creator. And just the practice of tuning into the Tarot spread that I dealt, and energetically connecting to that particular card placement for every Tarot spread, will help you to improve your own psychic abilities! It is an excellent psychic exercise, as you will be using your own clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant abilities as you choose your cards for each spread!

Do a cleansing meditation or grounding exercise before you pick your card, and clear your mind. You can then focus on a particular situation, if you want, while tuning into, and drawing your card, for more specific guidance.

If you are not a Patreon subscriber, pick the card that you are most drawn to at this time from the bottom picture, the last 6 cards, after focusing on the situation or question that you have. Do not just pick your favourite number every time for every spread, unless you happen to be drawn to that card right now, regardless that it corresponds to your favourite number. The card you choose represents the energies surrounding you at present, and for the near future, and will help you to see a message that the Universe and your Higher Self wants to send you right now about a particular situation, the question you have, or your life in general, at this time.

Search the Tarot card that you picked in the search bar on my website, to see your Tarot card meaning! It will take you to previous online Tarot spreads that I have done, and the card meanings for those spreads. Patreon members can see all of my Tarot card descriptions. Realize that each situation requires a different interpretation of the card, so open your mind to further interpret what it means in regards to your particular situation. You can also search online for further information about a card meaning for even more insight. Use your intuition to further interpret the card meaning specifically for you at this time.

There are 78 Cards in a traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck, and I have dealt the cards into 13 rows of 6 Tarot Cards each, with 3 horizontal rows each in the first 4 photographs, moving from top left to right, then down, and right again, and the final row in the 5th photograph.

Remember to take the time to meditate to clear your mind, ground, and center yourself before choosing your Tarot card from the 6th photo. Then when you are ready to choose your card, focus on the issues and concerns that you are seeking guidance on, and that you would like the Universe to address and reveal more information about. You can choose from all of the 78 cards every week, instead of just 6 cards, if you are a Patreon member.

You can see your Tarot Card reveal for the last row, the last 6 Tarot cards, by scrolling down below the following photographs!

Cards 1-6, 7-12, and 13-18. © Patricia Marie K, 2023. Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.
Cards 19-24, 25-30, and 31-36. © Patricia Marie K, 2023. Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.
Cards 37-42, 43-48, and 49-54. © Patricia Marie K, 2023. Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.
Cards 55-60, and 61-66, 67-72. © Patricia Marie K, 2023. Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.

Choose your card from the photograph below, or UNLOCK the whole Tarot deck reveal by joining my TriWeekly Tarot Spreads Tier on Patreon for the low price of a cup of coffee per month, only $3.33 per month, and be able to choose your cards from the whole deck every week and see the full card reveal!

Cards 73-78. © Patricia Marie K, 2023. Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.
© Patricia Marie K, 2022. * Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.

Below is your 6 Card Reveal for January 15th to January 21st, 2023! I hope you all enjoy it and that it provides some insight, validation, and synchronicity!

It will help to scroll in to the photograph to more clearly see the card you chose!

Reveal for Cards 7378. © Patricia Marie K, 2023. Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.

If you are a Patreon member, you can see the card meanings for your card choices on my Patreon page. Otherwise, search for the card you chose in the search bar on my website, or online to see other interpretations.

If you would like to book your own Psychic Tarot Year Ahead Phone session with me, where I draw the cards specifically for you in real time, and relay my psychic messages as well as the meanings of the cards, please contact me through the Request a Session Form below, or by clicking on any of my other Request a Session contact forms in the Menu above on my website, or see my Booking a Reading Information and Instructions Portal by clicking here to learn more about booking.

THIS IS A CALL FOR PLEDGES! One Tarot Card Spread post can take me at least over 2 hours to finish (3 hours or more for my Full Deck spreads), and I do not make any money off of the advertising on my website as it is a free site. I won’t be able to continue to do my online Tarot Spreads without your support! Not only will you receive all of my online Tarot spreads before I post them on my website or social media, but you will also have exclusive access to my Full Deck Tarot Spread reveals where you are able to choose your cards from the whole deck, which is like having your very own weekly personal Tarot card reading! And you will be sponsoring me to keep writing and uploading my online Tarot spreads! I appreciate your support!

You can also join my 3 Card Monthly Personal Tarot Tier on Patreon, for only $15.55 per month, and enjoy having FULL ACCESS to the complete Tarot Spread reveals of my TriWeekly Tarot Spreads, the Full Deck Tarot Spreads, as well as your Very Own Monthly Personal 3 Card Past/Present/Future Tarot Spread, where I tap into your personal energy, that I deal just for you, delivered directly to your inbox, once per month! I normally charge $15 for a Personal 3 Card Tarot Spread alone, but with Tier 2, you will receive Your Own Personal 3 Card Tarot Spread, PLUS have EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to all of my Tarot Card Reveals!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous evening!

Patricia Marie K

© Patricia Marie K, 2023. Golden Tarot by Kat Black images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c.2003 by U.S. Games Systems. All rights reserved.

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What Does the Colour of Your Aura Say About You?,

Number Synchronicities During Psychic Medium Readings, 

Things You Can Do To Develop Your Own Psychic Ability

Is There a Difference Between a Medium and a Psychic?,

The Metaphysical Properties of Crystals, Gemstones, Metals, and Rocks,

How Do You Know If A Reading Is Right For You?



The Jack in the Box Story! Another Amazing Spirit Story From My Psychic Medium Readings!

Her Spirit Guides Knew About the Engagement Ring Design Change Before She Did!

and other spirituality articles I have written, by clicking on the Menu at the top of the pages and posts on my website, or by using the search function and archives to look up topics that interest you.

Please note that my Readings and all of the posts on my website and other social media are for entertainment purposes only, and that you are always responsible for your own life choices, and I am not a medical, legal, or psychology expert, nor do I hold a degree in any of those fields.

Would you like a Phone, Email, or In Person Reading, or would you like to purchase a Gift Certificate?(required)

What Type of Reading would you like? (descriptions are on the Types of Readings page). Please check the box(es) that apply to the reading(s) you would like. If you order more than one type of reading, please specify how long you would like of each in the comment section above. Thank you!(required)

How long of a Psychic Medium Reading or Gift Certificate (or other Session that I offer) would you like? Spirit Animal Readings are only available in 20 and 30 minute Reading lengths. There is a 45 minute minimum for Individual In Person Readings.(required)


About Me

Hello Everyone! My name is Patricia Marie K and I am a Clairvoyant Psychic Medium with over 30 years of Reading experience. I started doing Readings for people when I was a young teenager and became self-taught in Tarot, Tea Leaf Reading, Astrology, Numerology, Palm Reading, and Scrying.

I am normally based in Canmore, AB. for In Person Readings, but I do Phone and Email Readings, and occasionally I am available for In Person Sessions in other cities and towns, which I will announce on my website when I am, so enter your email address and click the Subscribe Button below to subscribe to my newsletter and be notified when I am in your town! However, there is no difference in my Psychic abilities whether I do a Session over the phone or in person, and the experience and results are always amazing either way! I do generally prefer Phone Readings myself because of my physical health issues and because of my current living situation.

I am almost always available for same day and same week sessions, when people provide me with same day and same week appointment time options for their Session in their completed Request A Session form. And yes I do Sessions on the weekends! Please visit my Booking a Reading Information and Instructions Portal here for more information about booking, and to book your Session today!

Please note that I only book appointments in writing through this website, and I do not book any sessions on social media because I do not want to see people’s thumbnails and pictures, or any information about clients while they are requesting a Session with me. I will only discuss spiritual topics, the purpose for your booking (whether it be out of curiosity, or great want or need), your personal life, the topics you want to cover in your Reading, your messages from Creator, Spirits, Angels, Spirit Guides, and loved ones on the Other Side with you, and actively use my Psychic abilities for you during a solidly booked appointment, and will NEVER discuss any of these things during the booking process.

For booking a solid appointment, I only need to see a list of the days and times that you are available (and not available) for your Session with me (a list of times when you can focus and won’t be interrupted), the length of time you would like to book with me, and your basic contact information, which the Request a Session form that is available on almost every page of my website will completely guide you through the 5-10 minute booking process.

I cannot and will not help anyone through the booking process, in order to make sure that we have as little contact as possible before the actual Session, when I will be psychically and energetically cleansed and prepared, and in the right state of mind and the right brain wave needed for Psychic work, in order to honour the integrity of the Reading and to protect my energy and the energy of the Reading. But the Request a Session form is very self-explanatory, the simple steps are well-explained, and my website is very informative in case anyone has any questions before booking a Session with me.

I absolutely love my Readings, Energy Sessions, and helping people, and I very much look forward to hearing from you, and to helping you connect with Spirit and their messages for you!

I hope you’re having a fabulous day!

© Patricia Marie K 2023
