Rocky Mountain Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Patricia Marie K

Clairvoyant Psychic Medium, Psychic Tarot, Spirit Animal Readings, Past Life Readings, Distance Clearing and Energy Healing, Psychic Development Sessions, Tea Leaves, and Palm Reader! Honest, Real, Authentic Psychic Medium, Canmore and Banff Psychic Readings

14 minutes

Signs That You Have Known Someone in a Past Life

We have all lived many lives on this Earth plane and we have known many of the people in this lifetime in our previous lives. When I do readings for people, I always see tens and tens, if not hundreds, of past lives for each of them just on this Earth plane alone (yes I do believe, and Spirit tells me, that we have had previous lives in other dimensions and other planets as well). The people that we meet or know in this life could have been our family members, friends, lovers, spouses, enemies, or colleagues in a previous life. We also switch relationship roles from life to life. Your sister may have been your best friend in a previous life, and you may have been your Mother’s Grandmother in a previous life. An important teacher to you in this life might have been your student in a previous life. So how do you know if you knew someone from this life in a previous life? The chances that you have are actually fairly high, because we have had so many past lives, and Spirit tells me that we often reincarnate around the same time as the rest of our generation into the same era (generation is used loosely here and includes the decades before and after your birth). But it is still nice to get some confirmation that we have known someone in a past life, whether it’s someone that we have a healthy or difficult relationship with right now in this life. Knowing that you have had past life experiences with someone you have a difficult relationship with in this life can help you to understand the current dynamics of the relationship, especially if you can learn from a reading, your own psychic abilities, or from hypnosis the actual relationship and dynamics of the past life relationship. Below is a list of some signs that you have already met or known someone from this life in a past life. I may add more later as it comes to me, but for now I think this is a good list: 1. They already seem familiar to you when you first meet them. This is your soul recognizing the soul of the other person. Even though your physical appearances have changed from your previous life, your souls can still recognize each other. The feeling of familiarity can be so strong that you might find yourself staring at the other person, as your conscious mind tries desperately to try to remember where you know this person from. 2. You get a sign from Spirit around the time that you meet the person. You may get goosebumps, or what I call the “warm shivers”, or some other kind of physical sensation or rush of energy at the time of meeting the person. You may even get a shock when first shaking their hand. You may get an Animal messenger during or after meeting this person. 3. You have a strong emotional reaction to the person upon meeting them. You may feel extremely drawn to the person, you may even already feel affection towards them, you may feel scared or intimidated by this person, or you may utterly despise the person when first meeting them for no apparent logical reason. Your subconscious mind remembers the past family relationships, friendships, lovers, rivalries, and enemies that you’ve had in previous lives. 4. You have visions or dreams of other eras and places in which the other person appears. You may even have flashes of past life memories of this person. You may see certain scenarios playing out with them in these visions and dreams, or get a sense of the type of relationship you had together in that life, whether you were family, friends, lovers, or enemies. 5. You just “know” that you’ve known each other in a previous life, or lives. This is your claircognizance working, when you just “know” something without learning it in any physical way, or without using your other psychic senses. You may even have a sense of the type of relationship you had with this person in that life. You may feel very nurturing or take on a “Mother” role towards a friend, sibling, or even parent that was your child in a previous life. 6. The person keeps entering your life, even if you don’t want contact with them anymore. You “run” into each other, you may meet the same people, or you both keep going back to each other. The familiarity of the person is a hard thing to escape, even if they are not healthy for you in this life. 7. You easily jump into certain strict roles and instantly feel comfortable in these roles with a “new” lover. It feels like a reunion rather than a first-meeting. It seems like you have known each other for years. The relationship may move faster than other relationships because you so readily feel comfortable jumping into certain roles. It feels comfortable and “natural” because your subconscious mind is remembering your previous roles. Just be careful that this person is healthy for you in this life. Just because you have had a past life with someone, does not mean that it is going to be a healthy, happy, or fulfilling relationship for you this time around, or that you will even be together in this life ever, or again. That is when this person is best taken as a lesson, rather than as a soulmate. My name is Patricia and I am a Clairvoyant Psychic Medium based in Canmore, AB., with over 25 years of reading experience. I started doing readings for people when I was a young teenager when I learned how to read Tarot cards. For more information about my history as a Psychic Medium, please visit the About page, or to read more about my Psychic Medium readings and how my clairvoyance works, visit How Does a Psychic Medium Reading Work and What Are the Benefits of Receiving a Reading? To book a Tarot, Past Life, or Psychic Medium reading (by Phone or In Person) with me, to read testimonials, and to see real examples of real readings I have done for real clients in the past, please visit the Booking a Reading page. I look forward to hearing from you! I hope you all have a great week! You may also like to read Signs That You Have Already Known Someone in a Past Life, Regret and Apologies From the Other Side, Five Signs You Are An Empath, Spring Cleaning For Your Spirit, Signs of Psychic Attack and Ways to Protect Yourself, Signs That You Are On a Healer Life Path and Journey, What Does the Colour of Your Aura Say About You?, Things You Can Do To Develop Your Own Psychic Ability, Is There a Difference Between a Medium and a Psychic?, and other spirituality articles I have written, by clicking on the Menu at the top of the page. Click the “Follow” Button in the sidebar or below to receive my Tarotscopes and updates in your email inbox.

TO BOOK an INDIVIDUAL PHONE OR IN-PERSON READING, your message should look something like this:

Hi Patricia! I would like to book a 30 minute phone reading for myself. I am available Monday to Thursdays from 6 PM to 9 PM MDT, and never during the afternoons. I prefer Wednesdays. I can’t do next Tuesday. My cell number is 403-555-5555. I am ready to pay by eTransfer to book it. I look forward to hearing from you! Deanna


To book an INDIVIDUAL reading (NOT A PAIR OR GROUP READING, for that please go to the Sign Up Form For Pairs and Groups here instead), use the comment section of this form to write a Request, similar to the example above, and check the box(es) that apply to the type and length of reading you would like, and the Required Fields, as well. Thank you!!). *Before you click send, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS and cell number CORRECTLY in the form and that it actually works, otherwise I will not be able to reply to you! Make sure you fill out the required fields, otherwise your message won’t even be sent and I won’t receive it. Please note that I am having technical issues with my website and some of the required fields show up smaller than the others, please just zoom into the checkboxes to see them more clearly. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Please also note that my fees recently went up on August 1st, click here to learn more. If you do not receive a confirmation that your message was sent online after you click “Submit”, please double check that you are filling out the form correctly, there are required fields that you must check to remind people of important information for booking. You can’t just fill out the comment section of the form, I will not even receive your message if the required fields are not filled out or checked! Thank you!

Request a Reading Form (only visible on my website, not the email newsletter):

Would you like a Phone, Email, or In Person Reading?(required)

What Type of Reading would you like? (descriptions are on the Booking a Reading page). Please check the box(es) that apply to the reading(s) you would like. You must still tell me when you can and cannot do your reading in the comment portion of the form above, in Mountain MDT MST time only, as well, and if you order more than one type of reading, please specify how long you would like of each. Thank you!(required)

How long of a Psychic Medium (or other reading I offer) would you like? Spirit Animal Readings are only available in 20 and 30 minute length readings. There is a 45 minute minimum for individual In Person readings. (required)

   © 2015. *for entertainment purposes only.

3 responses to “Signs That You Have Known Someone in a Past Life”

  1. This has happened to me, very strongly with someone who i met at work, I instantly ‘knew’ him and we got on really well and had long conversations about anything and everything when nearly everyone else thought he was a miserable devil. If you have not read’Green Darkness’ by Anya Seton I recommend it most heartily as it is a novel dealing with this very subject.

  2. […] may also like to read Signs From the Spirit World, Spring Cleaning for Your Spirit, Signs That You Have Already Known Someone in a Past Life, Things You Can Do To Develop Your Own Psychic Ability, What Does the Colour of Your Aura Say […]

  3. […] may also like to read Signs From the Spirit World, Signs That You Have Already Known Someone in a Past Life, What Does the Colour of Your Aura Say About You?, Five Signs You Are An Empath, Messages That Come […]


About Me

Hello Everyone! My name is Patricia Marie K and I am a Clairvoyant Psychic Medium with over 30 years of Reading experience. I started doing Readings for people when I was a young teenager and became self-taught in Tarot, Tea Leaf Reading, Astrology, Numerology, Palm Reading, and Scrying.

I am normally based in Canmore, AB. for In Person Readings, but I do Phone and Email Readings, and occasionally I am available for In Person Sessions in other cities and towns, which I will announce on my website when I am, so enter your email address and click the Subscribe Button below to subscribe to my newsletter and be notified when I am in your town! However, there is no difference in my Psychic abilities whether I do a Session over the phone or in person, and the experience and results are always amazing either way! I do generally prefer Phone Readings myself because of my physical health issues and because of my current living situation.

I am almost always available for same day and same week sessions, when people provide me with same day and same week appointment time options for their Session in their completed Request A Session form. And yes I do Sessions on the weekends! Please visit my Booking a Reading Information and Instructions Portal here for more information about booking, and to book your Session today!

Please note that I only book appointments in writing through this website, and I do not book any sessions on social media because I do not want to see people’s thumbnails and pictures, or any information about clients while they are requesting a Session with me. I will only discuss spiritual topics, the purpose for your booking (whether it be out of curiosity, or great want or need), your personal life, the topics you want to cover in your Reading, your messages from Creator, Spirits, Angels, Spirit Guides, and loved ones on the Other Side with you, and actively use my Psychic abilities for you during a solidly booked appointment, and will NEVER discuss any of these things during the booking process.

For booking a solid appointment, I only need to see a list of the days and times that you are available (and not available) for your Session with me (a list of times when you can focus and won’t be interrupted), the length of time you would like to book with me, and your basic contact information, which the Request a Session form that is available on almost every page of my website will completely guide you through the 5-10 minute booking process.

I cannot and will not help anyone through the booking process, in order to make sure that we have as little contact as possible before the actual Session, when I will be psychically and energetically cleansed and prepared, and in the right state of mind and the right brain wave needed for Psychic work, in order to honour the integrity of the Reading and to protect my energy and the energy of the Reading. But the Request a Session form is very self-explanatory, the simple steps are well-explained, and my website is very informative in case anyone has any questions before booking a Session with me.

I absolutely love my Readings, Energy Sessions, and helping people, and I very much look forward to hearing from you, and to helping you connect with Spirit and their messages for you!

I hope you’re having a fabulous day!

© Patricia Marie K 2023
