Rocky Mountain Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Patricia Marie K

Clairvoyant Psychic Medium, Psychic Tarot, Spirit Animal Readings, Past Life Readings, Distance Clearing and Energy Healing, Psychic Development Sessions, Tea Leaves, and Palm Reader! Honest, Real, Authentic Psychic Medium, Canmore and Banff Psychic Readings

9 minutes

Your Oracle for the Week Ahead for March 23rd to March 30th, 2018! Pick a Card!

Every week I will draw 9 Tarot cards, Oracle cards, or Runes for a spread in which you choose 1-3 cards or Runes that will represent the energies surrounding you for the weekend and the coming week, or a message that the Universe wants you to know right now and for the near future (picking only 1 card is best because it is such a small spread). For this week’s spread I chose Tarot again. I cannot publish pictures of the actual spread that I do at home, as I do not own the copyright to the images or the decks I use, so I have numbered the cards in the spread from 1 to 9 in the order that I have drawn them. Pick a number to pick a card or cards, then scroll to the bottom to see which card you picked and the meaning.*

This spread is meant to be used only once as you will already know the card positions and be pre-influenced if you try to ask another question. For such a small spread, it is best to pick only 1-3 cards for the best results (just 1 card is best).

Try to do a brief cleansing meditation or grounding exercise before you pick your card(s) and clear your mind. You can focus on a particular situation if you want, as well, for more specific guidance. This spread can also be used for a Past/Present/Future reading, with the first card representing the past, the second card representing the present, and the third card representing the future of a situation you ask about. Realize that each situation requires a different interpretation of the card, so open your mind to further interpret what it means in your situation. You can search online for further information about a card meaning for even more insight.

Pick a card(s) to reveal the energies surrounding this weekend and the coming week or your query. They are numbered from 1-3 horizontally, then 4-6 and so on. Pick the card number that you are most drawn to. Scroll down below the photos to see the cards and meanings for March 16th to March 22nd, 2018. Have a great weekend everyone!




Now is a time to rest and get away from the busyness of the world. The Universe is guiding you to take the time to replenish yourself right now, and listen to your body when it tells you to slow down. You may be recovering from an illness at this time, or the Universe is just telling you that now is a good time to focus more on rest. The Four of Swords can also mean that someone close to you is going through health issues and needs your support, and this can lead to burnout with worry, so make sure you are taking some time to focus on you.


The Magician reminds us that we have the power of manifestation and it is letting you know that you are manifesting at a high rate at this time. You can make your own reality. Now is a good time for manifesting what you want out of your work and relationships. Seeking personal and spiritual growth is an important theme right now, and the energy around you right now will help you reach those goals. The Magician card is a reminder that you are capable of achieving your career goals if you put your mind to it. This card can also be a reminder to focus on the power of the present moment and being in the now. Realize your true potential. This is a period where things seem to fall into place and synchronicity is running high. Pay attention to signs from the Universe at this time.


Now is a time of enjoying the fruits of your labour. There is also a lot of protection around you at this time. Support will be all around you at this time if you just ask. You may be feeling more optimistic about your health and material goals. The Ten of Coins is showing you promise for a better future. Keep being positive. The Universe is telling you that you have the ability to manifest all that you want materially and for your health at this time.


Patience, balance, and harmony are important themes right now and approaching every situation right now with this in mind will bring the best outcome for all. The Universe is telling you to be patient right now, and reassuring you that good things will be coming your way in the future. You will have to trust in your negotiation skills and trust in your ability to swing things in your favour for the long-term. Negotiation of financial and career matters may come into play at this time. This is a time for focusing on moderation, not excess, as well.


Now is a good time for building on things, either literally or figuratively, and for focusing on hard work, discipline, structure, and stability, but just remember to balance it with rest. You may feel the pressure of focusing on material success right now, but it’s also good to remember that material success isn’t everything. Try to achieve balance with your material goals and with your family and social life, as well. Financial success is yours but don’t forget about the simple pleasures in life. Too much work can bring health problems and physical and mental strain, and thus actually threaten stability and structure. Even though structure is important right now, it is still also a good idea to step outside of the box once in a while and take a break from it sometimes as well. The Universe is guiding you to focus on grounding and grounding activities at this time.


You have just come out of a difficult time of feeling conflict from others and emotional strife. Be very alert right now to potential difficulties that may arise. Being aware of potential difficulties ahead of time will help you to prevent or avoid them altogether. Avoid taking risks right now. Be cautious in your relationships right now. You will have business and material success if you focus on working hard right now rather than focusing on the negative situations from the past that you have just come out of.


The Universe is guiding you to focus on new ideas and new ways of doing and seeing things around this time. You may learn some surprising new information about someone or a situation, and gain a new perspective, or you may be learning something new about yourself and your own strengths and abilities. Your ability to use your intuition and intellect this week will help you discern who and what information to trust. You will be feeling a lot more confident in your ability to judge people and situations and feel that you are learning from past situations where you were misguided with the wrong information. The Universe is telling you to have confidence in your intelligence. Be careful not to be fooled by anyone or anything this week – in fact you won’t be feeling easily fooled by anyone around this time because of your bettering ability to judge people and situations, trust your intuition, and recognize truth. You may be receiving news about a visitor around this time.


Remember in times of darkness that the moon eventually grows full again. But it is also a good idea to embrace the darkness and explore the hidden sometimes. Obstacles are present, but can be overcome. This is a time of ups and downs, but again, remember that light will return. Be careful of deceit at this time, including self-deception and illusions. Be aware of a proneness to fantasy at this time. There is a relationship or involvement that you have hope for but you are not seeing it clearly for what it is. Now is a good time for going within and dealing with subconscious and hidden issues.


A confident, intelligent, opinionated man may play a role at this time, or you may be embodying these characteristics within yourself this week. Strong will is the theme this week. Spirit is drawing your attention to using your intellect and mental facilities now, do not rely on emotion. You will have a new sense of authority and new confidence in your abilities. You have also been learning new things, and getting better at making decisions, or at least becoming more confident in your decision making capabilities, and also becoming more confident and authoritative in your skills. Use the skills that you have mastered or you are already good at to move through the next phase.

My name is Patricia and I am a Clairvoyant Psychic Medium with over 20 years of reading experience. For more information about my history as a Psychic Medium, please visit the About page. To book a Past life, Tarot, Spirit Animal, or Psychic Medium reading with me, read testimonials, and to see real examples of real readings I have done for real clients in the past, please visit the Booking a Reading page.

You may also like to read Signs From the Spirit WorldSigns That You Have Already Known Someone in a Past Life, Regret and Apologies From the Other SideFive Signs You Are An EmpathHow Does a Psychic Medium Reading Work and What are the Benefits of Receiving a Reading?, Signs of Psychic Attack and Ways to Protect YourselfWhat Does the Colour of Your Aura Say About You?Things You Can Do To Develop Your Own Psychic Ability, Is There a Difference Between a Medium and a Psychic?, and my other articles and Tarotscopes by clicking on the Menu at the top.

© 2018.

*This article, and everything else on my website, is for entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for legal, medical, psychological, or any other professional advice. You are responsible for your own life decisions.

*Anyone caught plagiarizing me will have scarier problems to deal with than legal problems, trust me, haha. I know a lot of crazy ghosts, haha, so just do not do it!


About Me

Hello Everyone! My name is Patricia Marie K and I am a Clairvoyant Psychic Medium with over 30 years of Reading experience. I started doing Readings for people when I was a young teenager and became self-taught in Tarot, Tea Leaf Reading, Astrology, Numerology, Palm Reading, and Scrying.

I am normally based in Canmore, AB. for In Person Readings, but I do Phone and Email Readings, and occasionally I am available for In Person Sessions in other cities and towns, which I will announce on my website when I am, so enter your email address and click the Subscribe Button below to subscribe to my newsletter and be notified when I am in your town! However, there is no difference in my Psychic abilities whether I do a Session over the phone or in person, and the experience and results are always amazing either way! I do generally prefer Phone Readings myself because of my physical health issues and because of my current living situation.

I am almost always available for same day and same week sessions, when people provide me with same day and same week appointment time options for their Session in their completed Request A Session form. And yes I do Sessions on the weekends! Please visit my Booking a Reading Information and Instructions Portal here for more information about booking, and to book your Session today!

Please note that I only book appointments in writing through this website, and I do not book any sessions on social media because I do not want to see people’s thumbnails and pictures, or any information about clients while they are requesting a Session with me. I will only discuss spiritual topics, the purpose for your booking (whether it be out of curiosity, or great want or need), your personal life, the topics you want to cover in your Reading, your messages from Creator, Spirits, Angels, Spirit Guides, and loved ones on the Other Side with you, and actively use my Psychic abilities for you during a solidly booked appointment, and will NEVER discuss any of these things during the booking process.

For booking a solid appointment, I only need to see a list of the days and times that you are available (and not available) for your Session with me (a list of times when you can focus and won’t be interrupted), the length of time you would like to book with me, and your basic contact information, which the Request a Session form that is available on almost every page of my website will completely guide you through the 5-10 minute booking process.

I cannot and will not help anyone through the booking process, in order to make sure that we have as little contact as possible before the actual Session, when I will be psychically and energetically cleansed and prepared, and in the right state of mind and the right brain wave needed for Psychic work, in order to honour the integrity of the Reading and to protect my energy and the energy of the Reading. But the Request a Session form is very self-explanatory, the simple steps are well-explained, and my website is very informative in case anyone has any questions before booking a Session with me.

I absolutely love my Readings, Energy Sessions, and helping people, and I very much look forward to hearing from you, and to helping you connect with Spirit and their messages for you!

I hope you’re having a fabulous day!

© Patricia Marie K 2023
